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Israel News from Jerusalem Newswire

    Sunday, September 30, 2007

    Israel considers downgrading its diplomatic ties with Venezuela

    Israel mulls downgrading its diplomatic ties with Venezuela

    From Haaretz

    Israel is considering downgrading its relations with Venezuela in light of the extremist anti-Israel line taken by the country's government under President Hugo Chavez. Israel is concerned about the growing alliance between Chavez and his Iranian counterpart, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. A highly-placed source in Jerusalem says only preliminary talks have been held on the issue and no decision has been made.


    Thursday, September 20, 2007

    Olmert must go

    Merryl Yourish brings up a discussion that seems to be on every ones lips.
    It's a good question. Why is there not a good answer?

    Make sure you read the comments.


    Tuesday, August 28, 2007

    Whose genocide will it be?
    The real truth about who is killing who

    Whose genocide will it be?

    John R Thompson from Townhall.com writes an article exposing who really is behind the mass murder of millions of civilians.

    Throughout most of the Muslim world, in virtually all media and with hardly a whimper of demurral, the charge is leveled and endlessly reiterated: the United States, frequently with its hated accomplice Israel, is labeled the world's modern leader in genocide. Led by George Bush, supported by his Zionist accomplices, it is charged the genocide is aimed at one segment of society: Muslims.

    In madrassas and mosques, in the press and on television, with hardly an American much less Muslim voice raised to counter the calumnies, we, who consider ourselves the defenders of life and liberty, are charged, tried and convicted as the perpetrators of massive Muslim massacres from Detroit's Arab community to Darfur and to all points east. [continued]...

    The real truth as to who is behind the murder of millions of civilians is shocking. If you care about the truth this is a must read article:
    Whose Genocide will it be?

    Opinion Piece: Moshe Ya'alon seeing throught the haze and facing false assumptions.

    False Assumptions

    YNet news.com: Opinion: Moshe Ya'alon

    "Unless Tony Blair, Condoleezza Rice and other emissaries shake off the conventional wisdom that settling the Israel-Palestinian conflict is a prerequisite for Middle East stability, their visits to the region will be nothing more than mere meddling"

    Bagelblogger: Moshe Ya'alon sees through the haze surrounding the Palestinian Israel conflict and other conflicts. The west needs to drop its shield of Political correctness and see the truth for what it is. This opinion piece pulls no punches, yet it is exactly what the west needs to face up to.

    Read the full article here: False Assumptions

    Artwork by Bagelblogger


    Monday, August 27, 2007

    Anger over 'blasphemous' soccer balls

    Anger over 'blasphemous' balls

    BBC News

    A demonstration has been held in south- east Afghanistan accusing US troops of insulting Islam after they distributed footballs bearing the name of Allah.

    The balls showed the Saudi Arabian flag which features the Koranic declaration of faith.

    The US military said the idea had been to give something for Afghan children to enjoy and they did not realise it would cause offence.

    The footballs were dropped from a helicopter in Khost province.

    Some displayed flags from countries all over the world, including Saudi Arabia, which features the shahada, one of the five pillars of Islam - the declaration of faith.

    Bagelblogger: The US is accused of supplying 'blasphemous balls', massive protests occur..
    No one reflects that people were trying to be generous and charitable.

    Islamic Fundamentalists are empowered by hate, always needing to be full of rage. Its really quite sad that the very same Fundamentalists who accuse the US soldiers of ignorance in supplying 'blasphemous soccer balls' are just as likely to be destroying five thousand year old statues from previous epochs and other religions.

    If they were to judge themselves by their own measures for others they would measure up quite badly.


    Thursday, August 16, 2007

    Facing the real truth:
    seeing through the haze

    Pictures from Video Captured of Insurgents in Iraq.

    Notice the sophisticated rocketry and the civilian dress. These insurgents are able to blend in with civilians at a seconds notice. If they were to be caught in an attack, they would be paraded as 'civilian causalities', the US needs to face its real Enemy.

    There's a certain paradoxical irony happening in Iraq right now.

    Due to the losses the US is sustaining in Iraq, the US government, military and its citizens are in a state of absolute denial.

    They desperately deny what is so blatantly obvious.

    The paradox is the very reason for denying the obvious is actually being manipulated by the very country that is causing so many US causalities.

    Make sure you read this very important article:
    State of War


    Another 'Kerem Shalom' attack in the making?

    IDF uncovers tunnel from Gaza to Israel

    An underground tunnel stretching towards Israel from the northern Gaza Strip and hidden by a Palestinian greenhouse was discovered by the IDF on Tuesday, security forces reported on Wednesday.

    According to the report, Palestinian terror organizations hoped to fill the tunnel with bombs, which would then be detonated under an unspecified Israeli civilian or military target. The army is also checking into the possibility that gunmen intended to use the tunnel to infiltrate into Israel.

    Bagelblogger: It never ceases to amaze me the effort Palestinian militants put in to being destructive. Sixty Years of UN assistance and funding and nothing to show except a thriving operation in home made weapons and death. This latest tunnel appears eirely similar to the situation at Kerem Shalom where Palestinian militants use a tunnel to enter into Israel and attack IDF soldiers from behind.


    It's alright because we're giving you a few more weapons.

    US, Israel to initial $30b. military aid package

    The US and Israel are scheduled to sign a memorandum of understanding on Thursday outlining the $30 billion defense aid package Washington will provide Jerusalem over the next decade.


    Friday, August 10, 2007

    Palestinian Journalists Pressured to Lie About Deaths

    Hamas: Subverting the truth
    Camera Blog

    In the print edition of Ha'aretz today, Avi Issacharoff reports on the death of two Arab children in Beit Lahiya, ages 8 and 6, hit by a Palestinian rocket that fell short. He wrote:
    "No group claimed responsibility."
    Palestinian journalists, however, were pressured to report that the children were killed by an Israeli bombardment.

    Bagelblogger: Am I suprised? Not in the slightest. Not even in the midst of the sadness of two children dying does Hamas stop for one second from weaving their wicked lies.
    Thanks to Snapshots

    Tuesday, July 31, 2007

    Japanese Chutzpah?

    Japan Says U.S. House Vote on Wartime Sex Slavery Regrettable

    July 31 (Bloomberg)

    Japan said it's regrettable the U.S. House of Representatives demanded the country officially apologize for its role in recruiting as many as 200,000 women into sexual slavery before and during World War II.

    The House yesterday approved a resolution calling on Japan's Prime Mminister Shinzo Abe, to publicly apologize.

    It's "regrettable," Japan's Chief Cabinet Secretary Shiozaki said at a regular press conference in Tokyo today.

    Bagelblogger: I would have thought the forced prostitution and the consequences on the lives of thousands of women to be somewhat more 'regrettable'.


    Sunday, June 24, 2007

    Hamas tactics: Fear, murder, and intimidation

    Hamas tactics: Fear, murder, and intimidation

    Meryl Yourish observes the ruthless manner Hamas has subdued the Gaza populations and draws a few conclusions.

    This is the group that Jimmy Carter thinks we should negotiate with. Their tactics were apparently learned in the Saddam Hussein School of Government:

    The near-perfect public order that reigned in Gaza this week can be attributed, at least in part, to the fear Hamas struck into residents’ hearts last week, during the Strip’s civil war. Testimony collected from the days of fighting indicates that Hamas imposed a methodical system of terror and scare tactics intended to deter, shock and frighten Fatah operatives and Gaza residents in general.


    Rashid Khalidi: Gaza blame-thrower

    Gaza Blame thrower

    If you haven't checked out Martin Kramer at Sandbox, then your missing out on some rather astute analysis. Despite having all the letters in the right spot, Kramer is willing to step outside the comfort zone. Kramer is able to see through the fog and get to the real gist of the matter. He reviews a recent interview of Rashid Khalidi,
    "He's often cast as a courageous "new historian," particularly in reviews of his last book, The Iron Cage: The Story of the Palestinian Struggle for Statehood. Khalidi, in an interview about that book, claimed his purpose was to show that "the Palestinians had more agency than one version of Palestinian history would suggest--nothing was entirely inevitable."

    Analysing Khalidi's posturing, Kramer's words aren't too kindly. It would seem in Kramer's eyes Khalid is rather a great pretender rather than contender.

    Read Kramers thoughts here :
    Rashid Khalidi: Gaza blame-thrower


    Gaza Chaos and Consequences

    Hello is there any body there?

    Gaza Chaos and Consequences

    Solomonia has written a great piece on the situation in Gaza. It is worth the time to read it in its entirety. Make sure you check out the comments as well.
    Mr Bagel

    "Watching this video of a lynching of the Fatah thug in Gaza (you can go to the link and read -- the disturbing video has to be clicked on to play), I couldn't help but think about all those naive fools like Presbyterian Minister Arthur Suggs. Remember him? He's the guy who sat around having "the best day of his life" talking politics, sipping tea and swallowing up the fantasy stories of evil Israelis dragging Arabs around behind jeeps."

    Click here to check out the rest of the article:
    Gaza Chaos and Consequences


    Wednesday, June 20, 2007

    Arab countries go into Anti Semitic Cartoon overdrive

    Arab Nations React to Gaza War With Jew Hatred

    Yid with Lid

    The Arab media has been chock full of Anti-Semitic political cartoons. You see the Gaza war was all our (the Jooze) fault. And the reaction in the state owned Arab Muslim media is to show the most repulsive anti-Jewish Stereotypes. Please look at these cartoons twice. The first time look very quickly skip the words in between the cartoons. Try to figure out which ones came from a "moderate" Muslim country. See if you can tell a difference. Now look slowly, there is no difference between the supposedly "moderate" Arab countries and the supposedly radical ones.

    Yid with lid takes us on a ride through the Arab waste land of hate. The recent Arab press has been saturated in Anti Israeli/ Anti Semitic cartoons. ADL has assembled some of them together and its quite mind boggling the connections and causes the Arab countries are trying to make between Israel and the current Hamas - Fatah crisis.


    Sunday, June 10, 2007

    What if Israelis had abducted a BBC Journalist?

    What if Israelis
    had abducted
    a BBC Journalist?

    Watching the horrible video of Alan Johnston of the BBC
    broadcasting Palestinian propaganda under orders from his
    kidnappers, I found myself asking what it would have been
    like had he been kidnapped by Israelis, and made to do the
    same thing the other way round.

    The first point is that it would never happen. There are no
    Israeli organizations -- governmental or freelance -- that
    would contemplate such a thing. That fact is itself

    But just suppose that some fanatical Jews had grabbed Mr
    Johnston and forced him to spout their message, abusing his
    own country as he did so. What would the world have said?


    Sunday, June 3, 2007

    British Union Boycotts of Israel:
    One UK Blogger's perspective

    A democratic nation is attacked constantly for decades over its very existence. The neighbours fire rockets, launch military offensives and deploy suicide bombers into civilian areas with the sole aim of killing as many civilians as possible. In these neighbour’s schools, the children are taught to racially hate a certain group, that that group’s obliteration is desirable and that martyrdom is a most noble action. Hate is cultivated along religious lines and seeps into every pore of the neighbour’s societies.

    The democratic nation on the other hand, merely tries to live in peace, to defend itself against constant barrages and to constantly reach out into the dark for a hand of friendship and acceptance. When this democratic nation has to strike back it does but always with the aim of minimal civilian casualties on the opposing side. They even treat their enemies’ injured in their hospitals, not to mention the sick children who need life saving operations unrelated to war.

    Now take two British Unions. The British National Union of Journalists (NUJ) and the British University and College Union’s (UCU). Union’s surely stick up for peace and fairness, don’t they?

    A fascinating read: British Union Boycotts of Israel written by the blogger Beaman's World
    Read more at Beaman's World

    Source Credit: Thanks to Beaman's World

    Thursday, May 24, 2007

    The Cost of Freedom?

    Chaim from Freedoms Cost was interviewed a few nights back in a talk back segment, by Rabbi Yaakov Spivak in New York on 'Talkline' [620 on the am dial]. The discussion was loosely based on Chaim's experiences being in Jerusalem at the Kotel the week of Unification in 1967. [Shavuot 1967]

    Chaim makes no apoligies for being Pro Israel, and it would seem he attracted a few apologists who would like to make a lot of apologies. It was a very heated debate, and provides some insight into just how controversial this 'theme' is in some New York house holds. Its an hour show, its about 12.8 mb download but I throughly recommend it.


    Wednesday, May 23, 2007

    US Ambassador Richard Jones:
    US was merciful to Pollard by
    not executing him

    Mr Bagel has managed to get the video of Richard Jones stating that the US was merciful to Pollard by not executing him.

    There's a lot that has been written of this in the press in the last few days, but there seems to have been one point all the Press has missed.

    Some of the Israeli media have conjectured that Richard Jones reactions and statements show a clear bias against Israel and may even verge on being 'anti Semitic'.

    Well I'd like to bring your attention to one major point missed by most of the media.

    If you watch this video you will see exactly what Richard Jones thinks of Israel.

    If the video doesn't play click this link:
    US Ambassador: US was merciful to Pollard not executing him

    The Ambassador in this video apart for some blatant lies, clearly states:
    "I really think that it has to do with the basic fact that this person committed treason against his own country.
    I know he was helping a friend, but that's what makes it even more emotional for Americans;
    that a friend would cooperate in aiding and abetting someone who is committing treason against his own country"

    Its not enough that this slime ball attacks Jonathon pollard, in a way Pollard is unable to come to his own defense, but what is of even more of a gigantic deal of chutzpah is that he has the Gaul to to attack Israel for 'co -operating in aiding and abetting someone who is committing treason'.

    Let's put this in historical perspective. Israel had a signed agreement with the Americans to share high level intelligence with each other.

    Pollards passing of information clearly showed that America was reneging on this agreement.

    Not that that is ever something unusual for America, but it was metering out its intelligence as it saw fit, suiting its own agenda in the Middle East, it wasn't sharing intelligence in a way that a partner would.

    If there was any betrayal it was with the American intelligence agencies reticence in sharing what was critically information regarding Nuclear armaments status and strategic readiness for military confrontation.

    The Chutzpah of this S.O.B is astounding.

    This sad and sorry affair is beyond comprehension. Pollard has served 22 years, he has expressed remorse countless times, this man's life wastes away in Jail because politicians want to play football with his life.


    Thursday, May 17, 2007

    If I forget thee… A very personal recollection

    If I forget thee...
    Chaim from Freedom's Choice has had a rather moving post of his featured on JPost.

    He wrote it back in 2006 to celebrate Jerusalem Day.

    Its definitely
    worth the read.

    The JPost essay is here: If I forget thee…
    A very personal recollection

    The original post: If I forget thee… A very personal recollection

    For more background on Jerusalem day:
    The Knesset: Jerusalem Day - A Historical Introduction

    Picture Credit: Knesset.gov


    Thursday, May 3, 2007

    Time to Put Shimon Peres Out to Pasture ! [Yid with Lid]

    I had to laugh with Yid With Lid's analysis on the goings on now that the rats are leaving the sinking ship captained by Captain Olmert Omelette.

    Check it out its a good laugh.

    Time to Put Shimon Peres Out to Pasture !

    Picture Credit: Cartoon of Shimon Peres, Oleg


    Wednesday, May 2, 2007

    Aussie Dave Confronts the spin on the Mufti of Mayhem: Sheik Hilaly

    Aussie Dave reports on the spin the Australian Newspaper The Sydney Morning Herald, is putting on the Mufti of Mayhem Sheik Hilaly

    From S.M.H
    ...Generally reviled in Jewish circles for his comments on Israel and the Holocaust, Hilaly says he is now prepared to take a more conciliatory line. "What our Jewish brothers and sisters in Australia and the world over need to know is that I respect Judaism as a faith and I would not be a Muslim unless I believed in and respected the prophet Moses, peace be upon him. As an Arab, I am a Semite one hundred per cent."

    But he still treads a fine line that many may continue to see as racist. "I condemn and deplore the Holocaust and all the massacres that the Jews faced at the hands of the Nazis," Hilaly says. "However, I, like many researchers in the world, shy off the number of innocent victims that had been estimated at 6 million. I, along with many rational Jews, reject the Zionist ideology that is based on racism and looking down on those who are not Zionist."

    Bagelblogger: As an Australian I consider this person to be close to the highest National security threat we currently have.

    Make sure you check out Aussie Dave's wrap up at IsraellyCool


    Monday, April 23, 2007

    Mass Rabbinic Arrest at UN

    This is a must read article.
    Last week whilst you were going about your daily business 22 Rabbis and rabbinical students were arrested in front of the UN.

    Seems the Media doesn't care about peaceful Jews protesting. It only matters when they're Imam's deliberately acting in a suspicous manner to make a self serving scene.
    Post and Picture credit:
    The Hall of the Goblin King

    Correction 22 people arrested not 50 thanks THoGK.

    Tuesday, April 17, 2007

    Breaking News: Direct Source for News on University Shooting

    Seems the best source for the latest news is actually
    Virginia Tech's Campus News.
    Find them Here: Collegiate Times


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